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Carbohydrate Counter > Baked Products > Danish pastry

Carbohydrates in Danish pastry

DescriptionPer 100g Serving SizePer Serving
Danish pastry, cheese37.20g oz10.53g
Danish pastry, cheese37.20g pastry26.41g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, enriched44.60g piece (1/8 of 15 oz ring)23.64g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, enriched44.60g oz12.62g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, enriched44.60g large (approx 7" dia)63.33g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, enriched44.60g small or frozen (approx 3" dia)15.61g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, enriched44.60g pastry (4-1/4" dia)28.99g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, enriched44.60g Toaster Strudel23.64g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, unenriched44.60g Toaster Strudel23.64g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, unenriched44.60g piece (1/8 of 15 oz ring)23.64g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, unenriched44.60g oz12.62g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, unenriched44.60g large (approx 7" dia)63.33g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, unenriched44.60g small or frozen (approx 3" dia)15.61g
Danish pastry, cinnamon, unenriched44.60g pastry (4-1/4" dia)28.99g
Danish pastry, fruit, enriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, lemon, raspberry, strawberry)47.80g pastry (4-1/4" dia)33.94g
Danish pastry, fruit, enriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, lemon, raspberry, strawberry)47.80g Toaster Strudel25.33g
Danish pastry, fruit, enriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, lemon, raspberry, strawberry)47.80g piece (1/8 of 15 oz ring)25.33g
Danish pastry, fruit, enriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, lemon, raspberry, strawberry)47.80g oz13.53g
Danish pastry, fruit, enriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, lemon, raspberry, strawberry)47.80g large (approx 7" dia)67.88g
Danish pastry, fruit, enriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, lemon, raspberry, strawberry)47.80g small or frozen (approx 3" dia)16.73g
Danish pastry, fruit, unenriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, strawberry)47.80g Toaster Strudel25.33g
Danish pastry, fruit, unenriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, strawberry)47.80g piece (1/8 of 15 oz ring)25.33g
Danish pastry, fruit, unenriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, strawberry)47.80g oz13.53g
Danish pastry, fruit, unenriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, strawberry)47.80g container (3 oz)67.88g
Danish pastry, fruit, unenriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, strawberry)47.80g small or frozen (approx 3" dia)16.73g
Danish pastry, fruit, unenriched (includes apple, cinnamon, raisin, strawberry)47.80g pastry (4-1/4" dia)33.94g
Danish pastry, lemon, unenriched47.80g oz13.53g
Danish pastry, lemon, unenriched47.80g pastry33.94g
Danish pastry, nut (includes almond, raisin nut, cinnamon nut)45.70g piece (1/8 of 15 oz ring)24.22g
Danish pastry, nut (includes almond, raisin nut, cinnamon nut)45.70g oz12.93g
Danish pastry, nut (includes almond, raisin nut, cinnamon nut)45.70g pastry (4-1/4" dia)29.71g
Danish pastry, raspberry, unenriched47.80g pastry (4-1/4" dia)33.94g
Danish pastry, raspberry, unenriched47.80g oz13.53g

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