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Carbohydrate Counter > Baked Products > Leavening agents

Carbohydrates in Leavening agents

DescriptionPer 100g Serving SizePer Serving
Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, sodium aluminum sulfate27.70g tsp1.27g
Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, sodium aluminum sulfate27.70g tsp0.64g
Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, straight phosphate24.10g tsp1.11g
Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, straight phosphate24.10g tsp0.55g
Leavening agents, baking powder, low-sodium46.90g tsp1.17g
Leavening agents, baking powder, low-sodium46.90g tsp2.35g
Leavening agents, baking soda0.00g tsp0.00g
Leavening agents, baking soda0.00g tsp0.00g
Leavening agents, cream of tartar61.50g tsp1.85g
Leavening agents, cream of tartar61.50g tsp0.92g
Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry38.20g tbsp4.58g
Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry38.20g tsp1.53g
Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry38.20g package2.67g
Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, compressed18.10g cake (0.6 oz)3.08g

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