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Carbohydrates in Orange-flavor drink

DescriptionPer 100g Serving SizePer Serving
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, low calorie, powder85.90g portion, amount of dry mix to make 8 fl oz prepared2.15g
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, powder98.94g serving (3 heaping tsp or 1 envelope)23.75g
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, powder, prepared with water12.65g fl oz4.29g
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, powder, prepared with water12.65g cup (8 fl oz)34.28g
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, with pulp, frozen concentrate42.90g fl oz15.14g
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, with pulp, frozen concentrate42.90g can (12 fl oz)181.90g
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, with pulp, frozen concentrate, prepared with water12.21g fl oz3.79g
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, with pulp, frozen concentrate, prepared with water12.21g cup (8 fl oz)30.28g
Orange-flavor drink, KRAFT, TANG Drink Mix98.40g tbsp24.60g
Orange-flavor drink, KRAFT, TANG Drink Mix98.40g portion, amount of dry mix to make 8 fl oz prepared24.60g
Orange-flavor drink, KRAFT, TANG SUGAR FREE Low Calorie Drink Mix85.90g portion, amount of dry mix to make 8 fl oz prepared2.15g

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