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Carbohydrate Counter > Fruit > Apples

Carbohydrates in Apples

DescriptionPer 100g Serving SizePer Serving
Apples, canned, sweetened, sliced, drained, heated16.84g cup slices34.35g
Apples, canned, sweetened, sliced, drained, unheated16.70g cup slices34.07g
Apples, dehydrated (low moisture), sulfured, stewed19.91g cup38.43g
Apples, dehydrated (low moisture), sulfured, uncooked93.53g cup56.12g
Apples, dried, sulfured, stewed, with added sugar20.73g cup58.04g
Apples, dried, sulfured, stewed, without added sugar15.32g cup39.07g
Apples, dried, sulfured, uncooked65.89g cup56.67g
Apples, dried, sulfured, uncooked65.89g ring4.22g
Apples, frozen, unsweetened, heated12.00g cup slices24.72g
Apples, frozen, unsweetened, unheated12.31g cup slices21.30g
Apples, raw, with skin13.81g cup slices15.19g
Apples, raw, with skin13.81g large (3-1/4" dia) (approx 2 per lb)29.28g
Apples, raw, with skin13.81g medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)19.06g
Apples, raw, with skin13.81g small (2-1/2" dia) (approx 4 per lb)14.64g
Apples, raw, with skin13.81g cup, quartered or chopped17.26g
Apples, raw, without skin12.76g medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)16.33g
Apples, raw, without skin12.76g cup slices14.04g
Apples, raw, without skin, cooked, boiled13.64g cup slices23.32g
Apples, raw, without skin, cooked, microwave14.41g cup slices24.50g
Applesauce, canned, sweetened, with salt19.91g cup50.77g
Applesauce, canned, sweetened, without salt19.91g cup50.77g
Applesauce, canned, unsweetened, with added ascorbic acid11.29g cup27.55g
Applesauce, canned, unsweetened, without added ascorbic acid11.29g cup27.55g

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