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Carbohydrate Counter > Fruit > Figs

Carbohydrates in Figs

DescriptionPer 100g Serving SizePer Serving
Figs, canned, extra heavy syrup pack, solids and liquids27.86g cup72.71g
Figs, canned, heavy syrup pack, solids and liquids22.90g cup59.31g
Figs, canned, heavy syrup pack, solids and liquids22.90g fig with liquid6.41g
Figs, canned, light syrup pack, solids and liquids17.95g cup45.23g
Figs, canned, light syrup pack, solids and liquids17.95g fig with liquid5.03g
Figs, canned, water pack, solids and liquids13.99g cup34.70g
Figs, canned, water pack, solids and liquids13.99g fig with liquid3.78g
Figs, dried, stewed27.57g cup71.41g
Figs, dried, uncooked63.87g cup95.17g
Figs, dried, uncooked63.87g fig5.37g
Figs, raw19.18g large (2-1/2" dia)12.28g
Figs, raw19.18g medium (2-1/4" dia)9.59g
Figs, raw19.18g small (1-1/2" dia)7.67g

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