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Carbohydrates in Fruit salad

DescriptionPer 100g Serving SizePer Serving
Fruit salad, (peach and pear and apricot and pineapple and cherry), canned, extra heavy syrup, solids and liquids22.77g cup58.97g
Fruit salad, (peach and pear and apricot and pineapple and cherry), canned, heavy syrup, solids and liquids19.11g cup48.73g
Fruit salad, (peach and pear and apricot and pineapple and cherry), canned, juice pack, solids and liquids13.05g cup32.49g
Fruit salad, (peach and pear and apricot and pineapple and cherry), canned, light syrup, solids and liquids15.14g cup38.15g
Fruit salad, (peach and pear and apricot and pineapple and cherry), canned, water pack, solids and liquids7.87g cup19.28g
Fruit salad, (pineapple and papaya and banana and guava), tropical, canned, heavy syrup, solids and liquids22.36g cup57.47g

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