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Carbohydrates in Duck

DescriptionPer 100g Serving SizePer Serving
Duck, domesticated, liver, raw3.53g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.35g
Duck, domesticated, liver, raw3.53g liver1.55g
Duck, domesticated, meat and skin, cooked, roasted0.00g cup, chopped or diced0.00g
Duck, domesticated, meat and skin, cooked, roasted0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, domesticated, meat and skin, cooked, roasted0.00g duck0.00g
Duck, domesticated, meat and skin, raw0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, domesticated, meat and skin, raw0.00g duck0.00g
Duck, domesticated, meat only, cooked, roasted0.00g cup, chopped or diced0.00g
Duck, domesticated, meat only, cooked, roasted0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, domesticated, meat only, cooked, roasted0.00g duck0.00g
Duck, domesticated, meat only, raw0.00g duck0.00g
Duck, domesticated, meat only, raw0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, wild, breast, meat only, raw0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, wild, breast, meat only, raw0.00g breast, bone and skin removed0.00g
Duck, wild, meat and skin, raw0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, wild, meat and skin, raw0.00g duck0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, breast, meat and skin, boneless, cooked, roasted0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, breast, meat and skin, boneless, cooked, roasted0.00g oz0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, breast, meat and skin, boneless, cooked, roasted0.00g breast, bone removed0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, breast, meat only, boneless, cooked without skin, broiled0.00g oz0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, breast, meat only, boneless, cooked without skin, broiled0.00g cup, chopped or diced0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, breast, meat only, boneless, cooked without skin, broiled0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, breast, meat only, boneless, cooked without skin, broiled0.00g breast, bone and skin removed0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, leg, meat and skin, bone in, cooked, roasted0.00g leg, bone removed (yield after cooking)0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, leg, meat and skin, bone in, cooked, roasted0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, leg, meat and skin, bone in, cooked, roasted0.00g oz0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, leg, meat only, bone in, cooked without skin, braised0.00g unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook duck)0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, leg, meat only, bone in, cooked without skin, braised0.00g oz0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, leg, meat only, bone in, cooked without skin, braised0.00g leg, bone and skin removed0.00g
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, leg, meat only, bone in, cooked without skin, braised0.00g cup chopped or diced, cooked0.00g

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